Sharing Your Gifts
For more details on the church's current ministries and activities and/or ways you can share your own gifts, contact us at [email protected].
Sunday Morning Worship, Sundays, 9 a.m.
At First Presbyterian Church, Milton, we understand our worship not as performance before a congregational audience, but rather an authentic communal seeking and delighting in the presence of God. Through hymn, scripture, message, and prayer we come together in this time set apart, to feel, believe, heal, delight, commune, connect, belong and express our gratitude to the Maker of the Universe. Our motto is Everyone, Always.
Sunday Morning Fellowship, following worship.
Don’t miss yummy breakfast food, coffee and even better conversation and company immediately following worship. This is “potluck style” but bringing something is not required. Come as you are with whatever you have. It’s a laid back time of great connection and easy relationship.
Learning and Growing, Sundays, 10:45-11:45 a.m., contact church for current topics and up-to-date schedules
This hour after our worship is devoted to understanding, more deeply, the way our faith connects to the world around us, what the Bible really says in its full and rich context, why we do what we do in the life of the church, and special topics such as the healing of spiritual wounds.
First Fridays at First, Monthly, First Fridays, 6 p.m.
First Fridays are our time to relax, let loose, and have fun together while also experiencing some new things. Our Fridays rotate between "Open Mic" nights, game nights and a kind of freeform "painting with a twist". No matter which activity is scheduled, this evening is devoted to sharing our favorite things, creating beauty, laughter, bonds, and deep thought. We invite all participants to bring your favorite games, share original and/or favorite works of poetry or other literature, music--recorded or performed, or musings/ponderings that you think will enrich the community. Contact the church for updated "rotations" between open mic, art, and games.
Elmira’s Garden, Announced Seasonally in worship, contact the church for up-to-date schedules.
Join us to plant, grow, harvest and enjoy vegetables and flowers in our own garden just west of the fellowship hall. Work days are announced seasonally, but come any time to water, tend, or pick. Invite friends and relatives.
Hump Day Hallelujah!, Every other Wednesday, 6 p.m.,
This mid-week Bible study is based on relevant life topics everyone is feeling. Led by members of our congregation, it tackles issues such as doubt, motivation, laughter, stress, family, etc. It’s a close knit group that grows the church and God’s love through honest discussion, support and encouragement every week. Locations vary. Email us for details: [email protected].
Dinner Church, Monthly, Second Tuesday, 6 p.m.
Held on the second Tuesday of every month, Dinner Church is a combination of a potluck supper, casual fellowship, easy spiritual conversation, and the sacred meal served at table among friends. Bring a dish, be ready to visit, and deepen your faith with a brief meditation followed by discussion.
Pop-Up Hot Dog Ministry, Monthly, Third Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
Following the Spirit, our hot dog ministry is a straight-forward, no frills, no excuses way to feed people who are hungry. Join us to accomplish what Jesus said most often - feed the hungry. It feels great!
Knotty Prayers Ministry, Monthly, Fourth Saturday, Contact church for details.
Our group gathers each month to pray for those in need and work on creating items (prayer shawls, scarves, caps, etc.) to be given to those who are experiencing difficult times. Everyone is welcome to join us in this rewarding ministry! If you don't know how to knit or crochet, this group of ladies will be happy to help you learn!
Love and Lights, Annually in October. Contact church for up-to-date details.
Though Love and Lights began as an annual fundraiser, it has become so much more. A congregation replete with chefs and artists has to make a meal and create beauty. So, once a year we gather in the middle of Elmira Street, in front of our sanctuary. We eat fine food, enjoy autumn weather, relish in each other's company. We greet and get to know neighbors and form new bonds, and we raise money that will continue and strengthen Jesus' ministry of belonging in this place and time. Love and Lights is a special event in that it not only provides resources for the healing of community, it enacts it. Look out for details to join us for this annual event as guest and/or participant.
For more details on the church's current ministries and activities and/or ways you can share your own gifts, contact us at [email protected].
Sunday Morning Worship, Sundays, 9 a.m.
At First Presbyterian Church, Milton, we understand our worship not as performance before a congregational audience, but rather an authentic communal seeking and delighting in the presence of God. Through hymn, scripture, message, and prayer we come together in this time set apart, to feel, believe, heal, delight, commune, connect, belong and express our gratitude to the Maker of the Universe. Our motto is Everyone, Always.
Sunday Morning Fellowship, following worship.
Don’t miss yummy breakfast food, coffee and even better conversation and company immediately following worship. This is “potluck style” but bringing something is not required. Come as you are with whatever you have. It’s a laid back time of great connection and easy relationship.
Learning and Growing, Sundays, 10:45-11:45 a.m., contact church for current topics and up-to-date schedules
This hour after our worship is devoted to understanding, more deeply, the way our faith connects to the world around us, what the Bible really says in its full and rich context, why we do what we do in the life of the church, and special topics such as the healing of spiritual wounds.
First Fridays at First, Monthly, First Fridays, 6 p.m.
First Fridays are our time to relax, let loose, and have fun together while also experiencing some new things. Our Fridays rotate between "Open Mic" nights, game nights and a kind of freeform "painting with a twist". No matter which activity is scheduled, this evening is devoted to sharing our favorite things, creating beauty, laughter, bonds, and deep thought. We invite all participants to bring your favorite games, share original and/or favorite works of poetry or other literature, music--recorded or performed, or musings/ponderings that you think will enrich the community. Contact the church for updated "rotations" between open mic, art, and games.
Elmira’s Garden, Announced Seasonally in worship, contact the church for up-to-date schedules.
Join us to plant, grow, harvest and enjoy vegetables and flowers in our own garden just west of the fellowship hall. Work days are announced seasonally, but come any time to water, tend, or pick. Invite friends and relatives.
Hump Day Hallelujah!, Every other Wednesday, 6 p.m.,
This mid-week Bible study is based on relevant life topics everyone is feeling. Led by members of our congregation, it tackles issues such as doubt, motivation, laughter, stress, family, etc. It’s a close knit group that grows the church and God’s love through honest discussion, support and encouragement every week. Locations vary. Email us for details: [email protected].
Dinner Church, Monthly, Second Tuesday, 6 p.m.
Held on the second Tuesday of every month, Dinner Church is a combination of a potluck supper, casual fellowship, easy spiritual conversation, and the sacred meal served at table among friends. Bring a dish, be ready to visit, and deepen your faith with a brief meditation followed by discussion.
Pop-Up Hot Dog Ministry, Monthly, Third Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
Following the Spirit, our hot dog ministry is a straight-forward, no frills, no excuses way to feed people who are hungry. Join us to accomplish what Jesus said most often - feed the hungry. It feels great!
Knotty Prayers Ministry, Monthly, Fourth Saturday, Contact church for details.
Our group gathers each month to pray for those in need and work on creating items (prayer shawls, scarves, caps, etc.) to be given to those who are experiencing difficult times. Everyone is welcome to join us in this rewarding ministry! If you don't know how to knit or crochet, this group of ladies will be happy to help you learn!
Love and Lights, Annually in October. Contact church for up-to-date details.
Though Love and Lights began as an annual fundraiser, it has become so much more. A congregation replete with chefs and artists has to make a meal and create beauty. So, once a year we gather in the middle of Elmira Street, in front of our sanctuary. We eat fine food, enjoy autumn weather, relish in each other's company. We greet and get to know neighbors and form new bonds, and we raise money that will continue and strengthen Jesus' ministry of belonging in this place and time. Love and Lights is a special event in that it not only provides resources for the healing of community, it enacts it. Look out for details to join us for this annual event as guest and/or participant.