If you would like to place flowers or a plant in the sanctuary on a given Sunday, we encourage you to do so. This does not have to be an expensive arrangement from a florist. It can be a vase of flowers from your yard or a pretty plant you already have.
There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the back of the church that is used for this purpose. If you decide to bring flowers/plant, please check the sign-up sheet prior to the Sunday you want to bring either of these and make sure no one else has already signed up for that day. If you would like a note put in the bulletin about the flowers/plant being placed in honor or memory of someone or some occasion, please get that information to Margaret (994-4936) by the Thursday evening prior to the Sunday you are bringing the flowers/plant. However, an acknowledgement in the bulletin is purely optional so please do not let this prevent you from bringing in something if you are willing to do so.
August 2022