![]() A new Presbyterian hymnal is being compiled and printed for the first time in many years. We would like to purchase 75 of these new hymnals for our church. You may purchase a book or books individually. They are $15 each. Order forms are available on the table at the back of the sanctuary. You may attach the form to cash or a check made out to First Presbyterian Milton. In the memo portion of the check please write "new hymnal purchase" or something to that effect. If you would like to buy a hymnal in honor of or in memory of someone dear to you, please complete that section of the form as well. You may place your completed form in the offering plate as it comes to you. The hymnals will not be available until June 2013. By doing this pre-order and sending it in by the end of December this year, not only will we get a price break but we'll also get free shipping. This will save us a considerable amount of money. Once the hymnals come in, there will be a dedication plate to put in the front of each hymnal that has been designated as such. Remember, the new hymnals are not replacing the red hymnals, just supplementing them. Many of the songs that we currently sing from copies will be included in the new hymnal so we won't have to use as many copies.
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![]() Don't forget the "One Harvest" program (previously known as "Food Source")! This program operates through First United Methodist Church Milton, right down the road from First Presbyterian, and allows anyone to purchase of box of food that contains enough to feed a family for $35. The program also needs folks to purchase and donate one or more boxes of food each month. For more information, please contact Anne and Warren Harren at (850) 623-8855. Small Group Bible Study is across the street in the fellowship hall beginning at 9:30 each Sunday morning. Please join us for some lively and relevant discussions.
The choir practices from 8:45 until 9:25 in the sanctuary every Sunday morning and we need YOU! Won't YOU join us?!!
As previously announced, we will host the Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce's December "Business After Hours" on December 6th, 5-7 p.m., in our fellowship hall. We are expecting around 75 people, so we're going to need a lot of help! If you can bring some food and/or help us that evening, please see Nicole or Margaret for the sign-up sheet as soon as possible. - Thanks to everyone who has signed up but we sill need more help! We'll appreciate any help you might be able to provide.
The choir will be presenting the Christmas cantata during worship on Sunday, December 16th. This is a beautiful presentation that will touch our hearts and remind us of the true meaning of Christmas. Bring family and friends and join us!
Next Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent and we need your help!
This year we will be adding a Jesse Tree to our usual decorations. Please join us in the sanctuary on Saturday, December 1st, 9 a.m., to make ornaments for our new tree and to decorate the entire sanctuary for Advent. This will be a fun time of fellowship among friends. Next Sunday (December 2nd) is the first Sunday of the month and that means it's time to get together and eat! We will have our monthly fellowship dinner across the street in the fellowship hall immediately following worship. We extend to our visitors a special invitation to join us for some great food and even better fellowship.
August 2022