The new hymnals have been placed in the sanctuary by:
Maria Bailey in memory of Allen & Virginia Bailey The Christians in honor of Betty Gentry and in memory of David Gentry and Rufus Whitmire Jim & Sarah Jones in honor of Bill Kerrell and in memory of Tula Anthony The Neustaedters in honor of Doris Bailey, Gray & Jan Weaver, and Abigaille & Gabrielle Flores and in memory of Earl Bailey, Elizabeth Crocker, Jeannette Neustaedter and Joe & Genevieve Neustaedter The Harmans in honor of Ben & Lynne Jones, Kai & Anna Swafford, Wilma & Floyd Andrews, Sara & Walter Harman, and Betsy Brown and in memory of Jenifer Andrews, Randy Brown, and Bertha Christian The Mendiola and Stebbins families in honor of Isabel Mendiola-Cruz and in memory of Vicente S.N. Mendiola, Fay & Jane Stebbins, Rev. Harold A. & Mrs. Gladys Crone Edwards Albert & Marilyn Schild in honor of Brad Schild Brad Schild in honor of Remy & Joanne Kublik, Terry & Margaret Neustaedter, Albert & Marilyn Schild, Gerry & Leslie Yandle, and our organist Margaret Neustaedter Pauline Werner in memory of Francis Werner and Ronald Werner
The March issue of our church newsletter, The Presby Press, is now available! Our church is growing, with many great events coming up. Check it out! ![]()
Have you noticed our Prayer Tree at the front of the sanctuary?
On a small table to the right of the tree is a supply of blank slips of paper and seven different colors of ribbon, each denoting a different type of prayer. Pink ribbon represents a prayer for healing of the body and spirit. Red ribbon represents a prayer of sorrow and mourning. Green ribbon represents a prayer for spiritual growth. Blue ribbon represents a prayer of praise to God. Purple ribbon represents a prayer of blessings and happiness. Yellow ribbon represents a prayer for family issues. White ribbon represents a prayer for unspoken needs. We encourage everyone to share their prayer requests by completing a slip of paper and tying it to the tree with the appropriate color ribbon. The tying of our prayer on the Prayer Tree is symbolic of turning your prayer over to God and is a visual reminder that God hears and answers all our prayers. If you would like to place flowers or a plant in the sanctuary on a given Sunday, we encourage you to do so. This does not have to be an expensive arrangement from a florist. It can be a vase of flowers from your yard or a pretty plant you already have.
There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the back of the church that is used for this purpose. If you decide to bring flowers/plant, please check the sign-up sheet prior to the Sunday you want to bring either of these and make sure no one else has already signed up for that day. If you would like a note put in the bulletin about the flowers/plant being placed in honor or memory of someone or some occasion, please get that information to Margaret (994-4936) by the Thursday evening prior to the Sunday you are bringing the flowers/plant. However, an acknowledgement in the bulletin is purely optional so please do not let this prevent you from bringing in something if you are willing to do so. ![]()
![]() A new Presbyterian hymnal is being compiled and printed for the first time in many years. We would like to purchase 75 of these new hymnals for our church. You may purchase a book or books individually. They are $15 each. Order forms are available on the table at the back of the sanctuary. You may attach the form to cash or a check made out to First Presbyterian Milton. In the memo portion of the check please write "new hymnal purchase" or something to that effect. If you would like to buy a hymnal in honor of or in memory of someone dear to you, please complete that section of the form as well. You may place your completed form in the offering plate as it comes to you. The hymnals will not be available until June 2013. By doing this pre-order and sending it in by the end of December this year, not only will we get a price break but we'll also get free shipping. This will save us a considerable amount of money. Once the hymnals come in, there will be a dedication plate to put in the front of each hymnal that has been designated as such. Remember, the new hymnals are not replacing the red hymnals, just supplementing them. Many of the songs that we currently sing from copies will be included in the new hymnal so we won't have to use as many copies. ![]() Don't forget the "One Harvest" program (previously known as "Food Source")! This program operates through First United Methodist Church Milton, right down the road from First Presbyterian, and allows anyone to purchase of box of food that contains enough to feed a family for $35. The program also needs folks to purchase and donate one or more boxes of food each month. For more information, please contact Anne and Warren Harren at (850) 623-8855. |
August 2022